Diversity & Inclusion



职业生涯和专业成功深信 永利app新版本官网地址的多样性承诺. 通过学生的反馈, community, 和利益相关者, 我们已经开发了一些项目, resources, 以及帮助学生的指南, alumni, 雇主们还会探讨职业和学术多样性的话题, 建立公平和包容的能力, and understand the rights and legal protections of all parties throughout the hiring process and in the workplace. 

The 职业和专业成功(CaPS) 团队,加入 公民权利 & 股本的办公室, 是否致力于支持和回应对歧视骚扰的关注, 性暴力和/或性骚扰, bias, hate crimes, 欺凌或报复. If you as a student or alumni have experienced or think you may have experienced any form of such conduct, 请将此事件报告给联合国大学的平权行动与公平办公室 here 和/或联系职业和专业成功团队 caps@kelseygrill.net, (603) 862-2070,或者直接联系CaPS团队中值得信赖的成员. 在一起,AA&EO和CaPS将与您一起解决问题,并提供您可能需要的支持.

雇主的多样性 & 共融冠军计划

This program recognizes employer partners who demonstrate the utmost devotion to 社会正义 and equality through tangible actions. 有了这样的认识, 学生可以方便地搜索, identify, 并与致力于在这一标准上取得进展的组织建立联系.

  • 使命/愿景
  • Pay Equity
  • 专业发展
    & Training
  • Retention & 招聘
  • 业务操作
  • Employee & Senior
  • 数据驱动的目标 
  • 社区参与
  • 内部编程 & Events

To see the detailed evaluation criteria 事业和专业成功 uses to assess employer applications, visit: unhcaps.信息/ employerdei

欢迎收听我们最新的节目 雇主的多样性 & 包容冠军和崛起冠军!

普华永道UNH DEI冠军雇主标志


ALKU DEI冠军雇主标志


你拥有雇主所需要的技能、经验、个人品质和热情. 你也可能有残疾. If this is the case, it’s important to take some additional steps to ensure a successful job search. Our staff can help students and alumni with various disabilities explore and implement career goals and opportunities.

如果你的残疾影响了你参加标准化考试的能力, 你可能有资格获得住宿. 各种标准化测试的详细联系信息如下.

如果您计划为标准化考试申请住宿, 不要忘记,请求必须尽早提出. 许多标准化测试需要大量的文档, 审批过程往往相当漫长. Updated information or new testing may be required as documentation already on file at UNH may not be sufficient. You will want to check with the appropriate organization to determine what is the appropriate evaluating group.

  • 学生无障碍服务(SAS) provides 永利app新版本官网地址 students who have documented disabilities with accommodations, 学术服务, and auxiliary aids necessary to promote equal access to the classroom as mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 以及1990年的《永利app新版本官网地址》.
  • AccessComputing美国国家科学基金会资助的项目, aims to increase the participation of people with disabilities in computing careers by providing mentoring and funding for career development activities for students with disabilities computing-related fields.
  • 能力中心:  Assistive Technology information for people with disabilities including information about adaptive equipment and alternative methods available for accessing computers.
  • 美国盲人职业联系基金会
  • 残疾、机会、互联网和技术(DOIT): Serves to increase the success of people with disabilities in college and careers and promotes the use of accessible information through technology and universal design.
  • disABLEDperson.com 在美国的每个州和大多数城市,每天都有成千上万的新工作岗位.S. 所有类型的工作类别张贴.

  • 入口点实习: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) offers an internship program for college students with disabilities majoring in computer science, engineering, 数学或物理科学.
  • 被雇佣: Careers & 残疾人才社区
  • JAN创业:提供信息, counseling, and referrals about self-employment and small business ownership opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • 职业介绍所网络:提供个性化工作场所住宿解决方案的免费咨询服务, 就《永利app新版本官网地址》和其他与残疾有关的立法提供技术援助, 以及永利app新版本官网地址自主创业选择的教育.
  • JobTIPS: JobTIPS is a free program designed to help individuals with disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder explore career interests, 寻找并获得就业机会, 成功地维持就业. 
  • JOFDAV:残疾美国退伍军人的就业机会 
  • 残疾人就业政策办公室: A U.S. Government Online Resources for Americans with Disabilities; see the employment section for news, resources, 和培训.
  • 职业康复协会: Assists eligible New Hampshire citizens with disabilities secure suitable employment and financial and personal independence by providing rehabilitation services.
  • 工作激励资源中心: New Hampshire's online destination for information about benefits planning and work incentives for individuals with disabilities.
  • 工作的支持:永利app新版本官网地址工作和残疾问题的信息、资源和研究.


如果你的目标是在美国工作.S. either while studying at UNH or after you graduate you will need to be very familiar with the laws and visa regulations. 与工作人员密切合作 国际学生永利app新版本官网地址办公室

联合国卫生组织赞同 GoinGlobal. This database can be helpful in identifying potential employers who have hired international students to work in the US as well as other countries in the past. It is not 当前开放职位的数据库.

服务成员的职业资源 & Veterans

职业和专业成功帮助UNH学生和校友确定, explore, 实现他们的教育和职业目标. Service members and Veterans are encouraged to take full advantage of these services and are welcome to consult with our office for needs specific to their unique backgrounds and talents, 从军队服役中获得. 



  • 技能的计算器翻译你的军事技能, 经验和培训,以找到最符合自己能力的职业机会.
  • Develop a “Civilian Friendly” Resume: To compete for jobs and internships outside of the military, 你需要调整你的简历语言以适应平民用语. 要获得帮助,请访问 online.onetcenter.org 点击“人行横道搜索”,输入你的军职代码. This tool will translate your military assignment into a civilian occupation with key words to help you write effective bullet statements.
  • 如何制作一份有说服力的简历


妇女在教育和就业方面取得了巨大进步.  越来越多的女性接受高等教育, 女性在劳动力和管理岗位上的比例继续增加.

然而,还有更多的事情要做. 正如同工同酬挑战所指出的:  

肯尼迪总统签署《永利app新版本官网地址》近50年后, on average women are still paid less than their male counterparts for doing comparable jobs – that’s called the pay gap. 这意味着每一次女性开始一份新工作, 她可能会从较低的底薪开始, but it also means that over time the pay gap between her and her male colleagues is likely to become wider and wider.

“对于普通职业女性来说, 工资差距意味着她每周的薪水少了150美元, $8,到年底减少了000英镑, and $380,在她的一生中少了1000美元. 对于有色人种女性和残疾女性来说,这种差距更大.”

利用你在UNH的时间为你的职业生涯做准备:探索实习和志愿者经历, 寻求领导机会, research, network, 找导师, 并充分利用职业和专业成功. 




Employer surveys routinely rank ability to work successfully with those who are different from you as a top competency in new employees.  这里是职业和专业成功, 我们致力于帮助永利app新版本官网地址为有活力的人, 全面发展的劳动力候选人. There are many opportunities both in and out of the classroom students can take advantage of to help develop cultural awareness; below is a centralized list of what UNH has to offer:

“UNH拥有蓬勃发展的学生组织,他们正在合作开展项目, events, 社区建设促进多样性, 社会正义, equity, 和包容. Experience the cultural diversity at the 永利app新版本官网地址 today as expressed through its many multicultural student organizations. 欢迎任何UNH学生加入这些学生组织!”  - 博雷加德中心

The act of volunteering can be used as a tool to develop and broaden a person’s understanding of multiculturalism, diversity, and 社会正义; as well as, 创造机会建立人际关系, 建立一个社区网络.  The goal of working with diverse populations and integrating multiculturalism into volunteering is to help students improve their social, 知识, and interpersonal skills while developing a stronger understanding of the cultural impact of privilege, 未被充分代表的身份, 以及恒等式的交集.

Learn more