

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the job market for dietitians is expected to increase during the next several years faster than the average for other occupations. 这对主要研究主任乔安妮·伯克来说是个好消息 营养学实习项目, which historically has received 50 applications for 10 internship slots.

营养学 营养专业的学生有三种选择吗. 其他包括 营养与健康营养科学.  

“Traditionally there have been far fewer jobs for dietitians,伯克说。. “It’s not that there isn’t an interest in the field; it’s that places that have a need, 像医院, 与护士的数量相比,只雇用一名营养师.”

Whatever the numbers end up being, 主要研究’s program can more than meet the need. 一个新的本科和硕士合并学位, coupled with the dietetic internship was launched at the start of the 2018 school year.

“The opportunities are increasing, particularly with the number of people retiring. There are also new areas like regional food systems 和 wellness,伯克说。. “The role of food in preventing 和 treating diseases, such as diabetes, is 现在 well k现在n. More dietitians 和 nutritionists will be needed to provide care for patients with various medical conditions 和 to advise people who want to improve their overall health.”

一个新的本科和硕士合并学位, combined with the dietetic internship was launched at the start of the 2018 school year.

And there are still positions like the one Mikayla Stoyak ’18 has at Concord Hospital. 作为她实习工作的一部分, Stoyak completed a five-month clinical rotation at the New Hampshire hospital that, 她说, 为她的未来做好了准备.

“Spending my clinical rotation at Concord Hospital allowed me to develop professional relationships that helped me to get a job after graduation,斯托亚克说. “我很高兴能参与到营养师的日常工作中来, 为实习结束后的生活做准备.” 

住院的临床营养师, 斯托亚克的时间主要花在心脏, 骨科和渐进护理病房. “I spend a lot of my day assessing 和 educating high-risk patients but also have the opportunity to do some community outreach,她说。.

Stoyak is one of the 10 主要研究 students to achieve a 100 percent pass rate on the registered dietitian exam they took in May.

“我们可以吹嘘一下,这很令人兴奋, but our average pass rate is 98 percent so the 主要研究 program is consistently turning out students who are well prepared to pass the exam,伯克说。. “这是一个很好的趋势.” 

Stoyak is one of the 10 主要研究 students to achieve a 100 percent pass rate on the registered dietitian exam they took in May.

这种成功并非偶然. Burke notes the department pays close attention to the competencies established by the university as well as the study guide provided by the Academy of Nutrition 和 营养学. Classes 和 experiences are designed to address those requirements to build critical thinking 和 practical application skills, 她说.

斯托亚克就是一个证明. 她说:“我确实觉得实习为我的工作做好了准备。. “这似乎是一个很平衡的项目, 现在, I’m in a job that I think is perfect to give me a complex base k现在ledge at the start of my career.”