Study ranks 41 主要研究 researchers in top 2 percent worldwide

Drone image of research tower in forest in autumn

最近一项研究发表在 PLOS生物学杂志 在世界领先的100位研究人员中,列出了41位现任和退休的联合国大学研究人员,000名研究人员, 排在前2%. 这项研究由John P.A. 斯坦福大学的Ioannidis说, 根据2019年数据的引用指标,对22个学科和176个子学科的600多万研究人员进行了排名. 来自联合国大学生命科学与农业学院的研究人员, 工程学院 and 物理科学, 文理学院 and Institute for the Study of Earth, 海洋, and Space — span a wide range of disciplines.


“这份令人印象深刻的排名靠前的主要研究研究人员名单放大了我们的教师在他们的研究领域长期以来的主要影响,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济接触和外联. “这份名单上的研究人员强调了我们在自然资源方面的优势, 空间科学与物理, 微生物学, sociology and crimes against children and psychology.”

引用——对建立新研究的源信息的参考——是很重要的, 如果不完美, metric for academic research productivity. The number of citations can indicate the impact of research on one’s field; researchers whose work is highly cited can be considered to contribute fundamental knowledge to a field of study.

The study includes the following 主要研究 researchers:

John Aber, professor, natural resources and the environment

Richard Blakemore,分子、细胞和生物医学科学名誉教授

Benjamin Chandran, professor, physics and astronomy

N. Dennis Chasteen, professor emeritus, chemistry

Russell Congalton,自然资源与环境教授


Michele Dillon, professor, sociology; dean of the 文理学院

Mark Ducey, professor, natural resources and the environment


Charles Farrugia, research professor, Space Science Center

David Finkelhor, professor, sociology; director of the Crimes against Children 研究 Center

Terry Forbes, research professor emeritus, physics and astronomy

Serita Frey, professor, natural resources and the environment

Steve Frolking, research professor, Earth Systems 研究 Center

Lawrence Hamilton, professor, sociology


Erik Hobbie, research professor, Earth sciences

Joseph Hollweg, professor emeritus, physics and astronomy

Philip Isenberg, research professor, physics and astronomy

Marko Knezevic, associate professor, mechanical engineering

James Krzanowski, professor, mechanical engineering

Thomas Laue,分子、细胞和生物医学科学荣誉教授

Lina Lee, professor, languages, literatures and cultures

Michael Lesser,分子、细胞和生物医学科学研究名誉教授


Larry Mayer, professor, Earth sciences; director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

Mark McConnell, professor, physics and astronomy


W. 托马斯·米勒,电气与计算机工程荣誉退休教授

Eberhard Möbius, professor emeritus, physics and astronomy

Scott Ollinger, professor, natural resources and the environment

Nina Schiller, professor emerita, anthropology

Nathan Schwadron, professor, physics and astronomy

Michelle Pellissier Scott, professor emerita, biological sciences

W. Rudolf Seitz, professor, chemistry


Charles Smith, research professor, Space Science Center

Stacia Sower,分子、细胞和生物医学科学荣誉退休教授

W. 凯利·托马斯,分子、细胞和生物医学科学教授

Heather Turner, professor, sociology

Colin Ware,计算机科学与海洋工程荣誉退休教授



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