
史蒂文Koenig, a 主要研究 alum and Endowed Chair of Cardiac Implant Science in the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute (CII) at the University of Louisville (UofL), was recently honored with the UofL School of Medicine’s Career Achievement in Research Award. 

Koenig was awarded this honor due to his achievements leading the UofL Advanced Heart Failure Research Program (AHFR), where he and his team develop and test mechanical circulatory support devices for the treatment of end-stage heart failure. 

“通过我们的AHFR项目, we’ve collectively shared many extraordinary successes together (and a few too many failures too),柯尼格说. 

在主要研究获得电气工程学士和硕士学位后, a doctorate in biomedical engineering at both the University of Texas and USAF at Brooks Air Force Base, 柯尼格在洛杉矶大学开始了他27年多的职业生涯. He went on to make award-winning contributions as lead of AHFR and helped the university bring in $55.迄今为止,共有94项赠款和合同,共计400万美元. 在他的职业生涯中, 柯尼格帮助建立了53个行业合作伙伴关系, 出版125篇刊物, 获得18项专利和发明披露, and helped advance 14 cardiovascular devices from the pre-clinical arena into clinical use. 

Koenig says his 5-plus years at 主要研究 were the best period of his life and have had a long-lasting impact on the person he is today. 

“我对许多杰出的主要研究工程学院表示感谢, 教职员工和学生分享了他们的热情, 激情, 我们的专业知识和经验,柯尼格说. “I’m also thankful for their open-door office visits along with their com激情, 耐心, and understanding in helping navigate our rigorous electrical engineering curriculum, 研究生指导和职业建议.” 

Koenig advises that current 主要研究 students preparing for their career or graduate school to embrace life-long learning as it doesn’t culminate with graduation and degree certificates. 

“The more you learn the more you realize how little you may think you know,” he says. “I pursued graduate education because with each degree I felt less intelligent and ill-prepared with knowledge for an engineering career. Ultimately, I continue to strive to learn something new each and every day.”