

The 工人的补偿 Reference has been compiled to assist you in your duties involving workers’ compensation injuries and claims.

工人的补偿 is an insurance program that pays medical and disability benefits for work-related injuries and diseases. 在新罕布什尔州的管辖下 工人补偿法RSA 281-A, 每个员工都有保险, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生员工, 临时工和临时工.

It is sometimes difficult to know whether a person’s injuries/illness will be covered by 工人的补偿. 虽然大学不决定是否涵盖一个人的受伤/疾病, we can give you the general guidelines which are used by our third party administrator in making these decisions. 请认识到,虽然我们可以给你一般的指导方针, 索赔仍处于许多“灰色地带”.“如果您对具体案件有任何疑问,请随时拨打 人力资源福利组 HR.好处@usnh.edu 或在 (603) 862-0504 这样我们可以更详细地和你讨论.

《永利app新版本官网地址》 -一份一页的情况说明书,说明有关工人赔偿的好处.

部门经理和主管需要熟悉这些信息. As a manager or supervisor you will be responsible for following the University policy on Workers 补偿 in accordance with NH Department of Labor Regulations.

我们建议你不要等到员工受伤了才去读这篇文章. 我们希望这个参考将是一个有用的工具,我们欢迎任何评论或建议.


工人的补偿 is a "no fault" system that protects employees from loss of salary and pays medical expenses in the event of an injury or occupational illness arising out of and in the course of employment. 大学与MEMIC签订合同 (有效4/1/19) 管理申索.

The benefit structure defines what injured workers are entitled to receive when they sustain an injury arising out of and in the course of employment. 可获得的福利取决于工人受伤的性质和严重程度. 潜在的好处是:

  • Medical Care – You are entitled to receive all medical and hospital treatment reasonably required to cure or relieve your work related injury. 保险公司直接向医生支付这些费用.
  • Disability Payments - Temporary Disability - These payments will be made according to state law and University policy. If you are unable to work more than three days you are eligible to receive income based on 60 percent of the employee’s average weekly wage. 平均周薪是根据受伤前26周的平均收入确定的.
  • 里程发还表格 -受伤员工可获发还所有预约医生及私人护理所累积的里程.


If injured while working a report of injury or illness must be reported 24小时内 of occurrence to your supervisor no matter how minor the job related injury or illness may seem.

Failure to file a report or injury after five (5) days may subject the employing department to a late filing penalty fine from the NH Department of Labor up to $2,500.00.


Medical Only Claims:  Pay/Deny deadline for medical bills in the state of NH is 30 days from the date the bill is received by the workers compensation insurance company.  如果医疗账单被拒绝,您将收到书面通知. 拒绝的副本也将发送给医疗提供者. After medical claims are denied it is the employees responsibility to provide the medical provider with their private insurance information or make arrangements for payment of services.

Lost Time (Indemnity) Claims: Pay/Deny deadline for lost time claims is 21 days from the date the workers compensation insurance company is first notified of any lost time. 一旦他们被告知任何丢失的时间, they then have 21 days to conduct a thorough investigation and make a decision to either pay or deny the claim. 如果你不能工作,你将不得不使用你的累积假期,直到决定做出. 对于所有损失时间索赔,您将收到书面决定通知.

对拒绝提出上诉:在索赔被拒绝后, 你可以要求在劳工部举行听证会以对拒绝提出异议. 听证会在新罕布什尔州康科德劳工部大楼的行政官员面前举行. 从被拒之日起,你有最多18个月的时间来申请听证会.


学校要求在24小时内报告受伤情况. The New Hampshire law states: RSA 281-A:19 "The injured worker has two (2) years from the date of injury to notify the employer of his/her injury in order to make a claim for benefits. In cases where an occupational illness develops gradually and an injury is not immediately recognized by the claimant, 申索人必须提供他/她所知道的日期, 或者通过合理的努力应该知道, 伤害的性质及其与受雇的可能关系."

请记住, the insurance carrier has a responsibility to investigate each claim thoroughly to determine whether a claim is legitimately compensable. 因此, 为了避免以后索赔的问题, 当发生伤害时,不要延迟提交报告.


If you have an employee who is injured/ill from a work related accident you will first need to send them for medical treatment if it deemed necessary. 如果伤势/疾病危及生命,请拨打911.

在正常办公时间内因工伤/疾病需要立即就医的员工, but are not in a life threatening situation may elect to seek medical treatment with a provider of their choice.


是不是健康 & 健康
(603) 862-4584 (HLTH)

李,NH 03861
Monday-Friday 10 am-8pm
周六/周日9 am-7pm
(603) 868-8507

Somersworth, NH 03878
Monday-Friday 8 am-7pm
周六9 am-2pm
(603) 692-6066


Employees who are injured or become ill after regular hours and on weekends should determine if they can wait until regular office hours to be seen by a provider of their choice or to go to the nearest hospital emergency room. 


所有因工受伤而支付的合理和适当的医疗费用将得到支付. 这些费用包括, 但不限于, 看医生, 治疗师, 诊断测试, 处方及医疗相关 里程发还表格. 请把所有与你受伤有关的帐单寄给 MEMIC, the Workers 补偿 Carrier using the claim information provided to you from HR 好处 at the time reporting.


Under NH law you must satisfy a three day wait period before you are eligible to receive weekly compensation benefits for loss of earnings and will be required to use their accrued leave balances. 如果你失业超过14天,你将获得前三天的补偿.






1 - 3天






Under NH law an injured worker is to be paid 60% of their pre-injury average weekly wage while they are out of work due to a work related injury. 这些福利金由保险公司按周发放,是免税的.


The University allows employees to use accrued leave to supplement the 40% portion that workers compensation does not cover. 受伤的雇员必须填写一份 工人补偿累计时间/超额支付协议 表格,并将填妥的表格提交给工人赔偿协调员.  Once your accrued leave balance is exhausted the injured worker will be on a leave without pay from the university as long as they are out of work.


  • 如果需要立即就医,请协助员工. 有关更多信息,请参阅医疗
  • 指导员工完成 UNH事故/伤害/疾病报告 24小时内
  • 向员工提供有关伤残赔偿(损失工资)的建议. 参见工人补偿福利
  • 如果员工外出超过5天,就家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)向员工提出建议
  • 通知人力资源员工补偿协调员,例如:
  • 调查事故,尽可能获得所有细节. 如果事故导致严重伤害,请联系环境健康与安全(EH)&S)立即
  • 每周保持联系, 与受伤的员工一起确保顺利过渡到受伤前的状态
  • 立即纠正不安全状况
  • 确定重返工作岗位的选择,找到可以让员工重返工作岗位的轻松或替代职责


  • 受伤或生病时立即通知主管
  • 填写员工部分 UNH事故/伤害/疾病报告
  • 寻求适当的医疗照顾
  • 告知你的医生,如果解除限制,将提供修改的职责
  • Provide your supervisor and Workers 补偿 Coordinator with NH Workers 补偿 Medical Form each and every time following doctor visit
  • 提前通知主管医生或治疗预约
  • 与主管保持沟通
  • 报告任何不安全的工作环境或危险  


The University of New Hampshire has developed a 工人的补偿 临时替代工作计划 (TAWP). 该计划旨在为受伤员工提供临时替代工作机会. TAWP倾向于在受伤员工的家庭部门建立工作. The primary case management team in conjunction with 人力资源 will screen requests for employment and other unfilled positions that the University may have for a satisfactory temporary fit. 在用人部门以外设立临时工作的, 员工的工资将在公司内外部门平均分配. 在绝对必要时,将研究其他供资方法. 如果您对这个项目有任何疑问,请联系 HR.好处@usnh.edu or (603) 862-0504.