


预防创新研究中心's Sharyn Potter and Vicki Banyard are quoted in a Longreads article about bystander intervention. 阅读更多


  • 预防创新研究中心工作人员
    - 预防先锋
    在第五届年度创新者晚宴上, 主要研究Innovation (主要研究I) made good on its mission to recognize the full sweep of innovation, 包括知识产权和创造性工作... 阅读更多
  • 科林斯式柱
    - 预防的角度来看
      最近,前St. 保罗中学的高年级学生欧文·拉布里说, 被指控强奸一名年轻学生, was convicted of misdemeanor charges of having sex with a girl below the age of... 阅读更多
  • 波特的公共服务
    - 波特的公共服务
    Sharyn Potter has been involved in efforts to prevent sexual violence since she was a freshman in college. For the past decade, as associate professor in the 主要研究 department of... 阅读更多
  • 改变,强奸,恐惧——画面
    - 改变
    Chris Urbanski ’18 had gotten the message about sexual assault awareness at 主要研究 long before he arrived on campus. At first-year orientation in June, older students told the newbies... 阅读更多
  • 白宫——图解
    - 主要研究 Tapped to Help White House Task Force End Campus Sexual Assault
    The University of New Hampshire is one of three universities tapped by a White House task force to do further research related to ending campus sexual assault. 主要的预防... 阅读更多
  • 预防创新小组
    - 预防创新
    A research center dedicated to ending violence against women is building on its successes. 阅读更多